
Objective: This study aimed to Compare parametric indices of anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics of female basketball, volleyball, and handball players. Methods: This research is purposive comparative-descriptive study. A total of 100 female students (35 handball players, 37 volleyball players, and 28 basketball players) participated in this study. The normality of the data distribution was examined using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The Mean±SD and percentage rank to describe the information, multiple correlation coefficient to reduce the overlapping data, and analysis of the main components of the data to determine the leading indicators of anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics of female handball, volleyball, and basketball players and ANOVA was used to compare the corresponding leading indices in different age groups. Results: Ten parameters for female handball and volleyball players and nine parameters for female basketball players were highlighted as the leading indicators. Head width, leg length, ankle width, scapular fat for basketball and handball players, biceps and weight for handball and volleyball players, abdominal fat, leg length for volleyball and basketball players, and height introduced as the leading common indicators among all groups of players. The results related to the variance extracted in each of the main components of anthropometric features after rotation showed that the main parameters related to anthropometric characteristics in female handball players are: height, weight, knee-to-ground height, head width, Head circumference, waist circumference, leg length, ankle width, scapular fat, and biceps fat; in female volleyball players are: height, weight, trunk width at the navel, sitting pelvis width, elbow circumference, knee circumference, foot arc circumference, leg length, biceps fat, triceps fat; in female basketball players are: height, elbow circumference, head width, trunk circumference at chest level, trunk circumference at navel level, leg length, ankle width, scapular fat, and abdominal fat; and in players of the three groups of athletes are: height, knee-to-ground height, elbow circumference, head circumference, waist circumference, trunk circumference at chest level, scapular fat and maximum forearm circumference. Conclusion: The height is the leading standard index between different female handball, volleyball, and basketball players. Most of the anthropometric characteristics are various, related to the type of sport. Also, the biomechanical characteristics vary according to the unique skills in each discipline. In some sports, the biomechanical factors vary due to the features of the common sport and the design of specific training programs. Every sport needs to evaluate and study the anthropometric and biomechanical aspects of individuals.


  • Onsidering the significance of the effects of various anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics in optimizing the performance of sports skills, the focus of researchers in sports sciences is on identifying these factors and using them in the design of training programs; various researchers explored the biomechanical markers of the dimensions of sports skills (1, 2)

  • The main parameters related to anthropometric characteristics in the handball group are height, weight, kneeto-ground height, head width, head circumference, waist circumference, leg length, ankle diameter, scapular fat, and biceps fat in the volleyball group

  • There was a significant difference between height, weight, knee-to-ground height, head width, head circumference, trunk circumference at navel level, trunk circumference at chest level, trunk width at navel level, elbow circumference, pelvic width at sitting position, foot arch circumference, knee circumference, leg length, scapular fat, ankle diameter, leg length, and waist circumference (P=0.00 & P=0.01, respectively); there was no significant difference in biceps fat (P=0.56) and triple arm (P=0.75) between the 3 study groups

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C onsidering the significance of the effects of various anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics in optimizing the performance of sports skills, the focus of researchers in sports sciences is on identifying these factors and using them in the design of training programs; various researchers explored the biomechanical markers of the dimensions of sports skills (1, 2). The present study aimed to compare the parametric indices of anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics of adolescent female basketball players, volleyball players, and handball players

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