
Since outdoor compost piles (OCPs) contain large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, they act as a major pollutant that deteriorates water quality, such as eutrophication and green algae, when the OCPs enter the river during rainfall. In South Korea, OCPs are frequently used, but there is a limitation that a lot of manpower and budget are consumed to investigate the current situation, so it is necessary to efficiently investigate the OCPs. This study compared the accuracy of various machine learning techniques for the efficient detection and management of outdoor compost piles (OCPs), a non-point pollution source in agricultural areas in South Korea, using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images. RGB, multispectral, and thermal infrared UAV images were taken in August and October 2019. Additionally, vegetation indices (NDVI, NDRE, ENDVI, and GNDVI) and surface temperature were also considered. Four machine learning techniques, including support vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and k-NN, were implemented, and the machine learning technique with the highest accuracy was identified by adjusting several variables. The accuracy of all machine learning techniques was very high, reaching values of up to 0.96. Particularly, the accuracy of the RF method with the number of estimators set to 10 was highest, reaching 0.989 in August and 0.987 in October. The proposed method allows for the prediction of OCP location and area over large regions, thereby foregoing the need for OCP field measurements. Therefore, our findings provide highly useful data for the improvement of OCP management strategies and water quality.


  • Eutrophication and water pollution in rivers caused by non-point pollution sources have recently become a serious worldwide problem [1,2,3]

  • Upon comparing the characteristics of various vegetation indices and surface temperature according to the outdoor compost piles (OCPs) type by period, the vegetation indices were clearly classified according to whether the OCP was wrapped in plastic, and the green NDVI (GNDVI) was the most distinct among them in August compared to October

  • This study compared the accuracy of different machine learning techniques for the detection of OCPs, which are important non-point pollution sources in agricultural areas of South Korea, using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) image data

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Eutrophication and water pollution in rivers caused by non-point pollution sources have recently become a serious worldwide problem [1,2,3]. In agricultural areas, several pollutants such as high-nutrient composts and waste materials containing large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus readily flow into nearby rivers via surface runoff, which leads to eutrophication and algal blooms [4,5,6,7]. Non-point pollution management is critical to minimize water pollution. Due to the occurrence of torrential rains in the summer season (i.e., from June to August) [9], water pollution caused by non-point sources is becoming a serious problem [10]. Non-point sources of water pollution are of particular concern in agricultural areas, as these regions lack the degree of management and oversight of urban areas where water supply and sewage infrastructure are relatively well established

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