
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of enhancing osteoporosis education for menopausal patients via a video. Methods: Data were collected from 194 menopausal, ambulatory patients: 98 patients observed an educational osteoporosis video before their office visit, and 96 patients did not view the video. After their gynecologic visit, all patients answered a standardized osteoporosis questionnaire. Results: No statistically significant differences were noted as to the demographics of the patients, including level of education. Test scores for the control group were 82%, versus 94% for the video group. The most notable differences: two-thirds of those who did not view the video did not know the role of hormone replacement therapy in osteoporosis treatment and prevention and did not understand the role of family history and the role of weight-bearing exercise. The video group answered these questions correctly. Conclusion: The study objectively demonstrated that the use of educational materials in addition to physician counseling improves patient understanding of osteoporosis.

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