
Abstract Background: Device like fibreoptic bronchoscope is gold standard for difficult intubation situations. It can be performed by both orotracheal and nasotracheal route. But, through nasal route there are more chances of nasal bleeding and pressure necrosis while through oral route there is only one problem, which is clearing of upper airway for bronchoscope. Manoeuvres like jaw thrust and chin lift are very useful in clearing upper airway for bronchoscope. The aim of this study was to compare ease of oral intubation using flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope with or without rigid cervical collar, in terms of need of manoeuvres: Jaw thrust and Chin lift. Materials and Methods: 25 patients in age range 20-50 years, of ASA ? - II, and of either sex undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated into each group. There were two groups: Group A (Rigid Cervical Collar) and group B (Without Collar). Intubating condition was assessed in between these groups with need of manoeuvres like jaw thrust and chin lift. Quantitative data i.e. age, weight, thyromental distance and sternomental distance were presented as mean value and standard deviation. Intergroup comparison of quantitative data was done by t-test and probability was considered to be significant if less than <0.05. Categorical data i.e. sex, ASA grade, Mallampati grade and need of manoeuvres were presented as number and were compared among groups using Chi-square test. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There was significant (P < 0.05) difference between group A and group B in terms of use of manoeuvres for ease of intubation and clearing upper airway. In group B, need of jaw thrust and chin lift for clearing airway is significantly (P < 0.05) higher than collar group. Conclusion: We concluded that as far as the oral intubation with flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope is concerned, rigid cervical collar is very useful tool for making intubation easier.

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