
LEARNING OUTCOME: To compare nutrition risk and indicators of risk in elderly participants of regional health fairs, congregate meal sites, and home delivered meal programs.Identifying various factors that compromise nutritional status of the elderly can aid in decreasing risk of disease and improve overall health. The Nutrition Screening Initiative DETERMINE Checklist can be used to identify groups of elderly who may benefit from appropriate nutrition intervention. Although the Checklist has been used extensively in congregate and home delivered meal programs, its use among independent-living elderly has been limited. Thus, the purpose of the study is to compare indicators of nutritional risk and risk levels within a continuum of independent-dependent elderly. The DETERMINE Checklist and accompanying questionnaire were completed by participants in three community settings in northeast Indiana: 848 people at regional Focus on Health Fairs (HF); 531 at congregate meal (CM) sites; and 354 in home delivered meal (HD) programs. Additional data were collected on age, gender, education, marital status, and use of formal and informal community resources. The age range of the respondents was 60-101 years. HF participants were the youngest in age and HB the oldest. Subjects were classified into nutrition risk categories. The percent of high risk HF participants was 4.7%; 20.8% were at moderate and 74.5% at low risk. The respective percentages for CM were 20.3%, 30.5% and 49.2% and for HB were 44.4%, 35.2% and 20.4%. Among the groups, HF were more educated and less likely to live alone. The questions screening for an illness or condition, eating alone, and multiple medications were among the top problems for all groups. The DETERMINE Checklist provides guidance in regard to the need for further nutrition assessment of various groups of elderly, particularly homebound. Based on the results, congregate meal participants and older people attending health fairs could benefit from nutrition education focusing on nutrition risk prevention.

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