
According to statistical data only 3% of traffic accidents are caused by technical reasons (vehicles), while 97% of accidents are caused by human factors (driver). Apart from unadequate technical validity of the vehicle, main causes of traffic accidents are wrong decisions of the driver, improper estimates of circumstances or attention deficit.Introduction of mechatronic systems of driver assistance can significantly influence the improvement of safety in traffic. Analysis of kinematic parameters of vehicle movement is shown in this work (path, displacement, velocity, acceleration) and their monitoring and measuring in real conditions. The analysis was made on the theoretical model of vehicle movement, as well as on experimental mechatronic system especially designed for the purposes of this work. In order to avoid problems in describing complex spatial vehicle movement, and the system of larger number of the mass, interconnected by visco-elastic elements, one of the simplest theoretical models was used for the needs of this work—the bicycle model. Analysis of experimental measurements and comparison with theoretic results was done in order to consider the possibilities of integration of such systems into advanced drivers assistance mechatronic systems (ADAS). Experimental mechatronic system which was exhibited in the work is one of the examples how to use intelligent systems (sensors, computer, controllers etc.) for automatisation of any process, not only in car industry, and with the purpose of reducing human decision making factor to the minimum.

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