
In this work we compare the pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) properties of EJ-299-33A, BC-501A, stilbene, p-terphenyl and Hidex Aqualight in neutron field generated by the LVR-15 reactor with silicon filter utilization. Pulses from the scintillators are processed by Neutron-Gamma spectrometer. This spectrometric system with fast digitizer card contains two analog-digital (A/D) converters with a resolution of 12 bits and sampling frequency 500 MHz. For photomultiplier (PMT) linearity improvement active divider has been used. Measured data from scintillators have been processed using the integration method and compared. Results are presented.


  • The scintillators that enable the separation of neutrongamma radiation are widely used for measurements of mixed UDGLDWLRQ ILHOGV 6HYHUDO FRPSHWLQJ W\SHV RI 36' FDSDEOH VFLQWLOODWRUVZHUHFRPSDUHG (--299-33A, BC-501A, stilbene, p-terphenyl and Hidex AquDOLJKW 7KHUHDFWRU/95-15 with well-NQRZQUDGLDWLRQILHOGKDVEHHQXVHGIRUPHDVXUHPHQWVLQ WKHHQHUJ\UDQJHWR0H9 [1, 2]0HDVXUHGGDWDKDYHEHHQ processed using digital Neutron-Gamma spectrometer which we developed

  • Influence of thermal neutrons and gammas was reduced via filter composed of 6/L&G%LDQG3E

  • Selected results of neutron-gamma separation quality are shown in Tab. 1

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- /95-15 reactor (left) and its horizontal channels (right) [1] The scintillators that enable the separation of neutrongamma radiation are widely used for measurements of mixed UDGLDWLRQ ILHOGV 6HYHUDO FRPSHWLQJ W\SHV RI 36' FDSDEOH VFLQWLOODWRUVZHUHFRPSDUHG (--299-33A, BC-501A, stilbene, p-terphenyl and Hidex AquDOLJKW 7KHUHDFWRU/95-15 with well-NQRZQUDGLDWLRQILHOGKDVEHHQXVHGIRUPHDVXUHPHQWVLQ WKHHQHUJ\UDQJHWR0H9 [1, 2]0HDVXUHGGDWDKDYHEHHQ processed using digital Neutron-Gamma spectrometer which we developed. The digital spectrometric system minimizes the GUDZEDFNV RI DQDORJ GHYLFHV DQG SURYLGHV VXEVWDQWLDO simplification for the operation and setting of the system. The spectrometer is connected with a computer via Ethernet.

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