
2-Aminopurine, 2-amino- N 6-hydroxyadenine and N 6-hydroxyaminopurine were compared in suspension test with growing and non-growing cells for their mutagenic and recombinogenic (reciprocal and nonreciprocal) activities in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7. Ethyl methanesulfonate was used as a positive control. No increases above spontaneous frequencies were observed when non- growing cells were treated with the base analogues although EMS induced concentration- dependent responses at all 3 genetic end-points. When growing cells were treated, HAP was recombinogenic and mutagenic and AHA was mutagenic, but only weakly recombinogenic. HAP induced comparable numbers of revertants at much lower concentrations than AHA. 2AP failed to induce any detectable response even at concentrations as high as 2400 μg/ml.

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