
When a nodal demand is excessive as in a fire-flow condition or when a pump fails or a pipe breaks, a water distribution system (WDS) may temporarily become deficient and unable to satisfy all nodal demands. However, the prediction of the performance of a WDS under a temporarily-deficient condition is necessary for simulation-based reliability analysis and design of WDSs. Available methods for such prediction are reviewed herein. When the actual outlets are considered as demand nodes the methods which simultaneously consider the nodal flows and heads give fairly accurate and similar results. However, when the demands of secondary networks are assumed concentrated at the nodes of the primary WDSs, the prediction of the deficient-condition performance of a primary WDS is rather approximate. For reliability purposes, however, the method using parabolic head-discharge relationship (no flow at minimum head to required flow at desirable head), is the best for prediction of deficient-network performance.

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