
Dimethandrolone (DMA) and 11β-methyl-19-nortestosterone (11β-MNT) are two novel compounds with both androgenic and progestational activity that are under investigation as potential male hormonal contraceptives. Their metabolic effects have never been compared in men. Assess for changes in insulin sensitivity and adiponectin and compare the metabolic effects of these two novel androgens. In two clinical trials of DMA undecanoate (DMAU) and 11β-MNT dodecylcarbonate (11β-MNTDC), oral prodrugs of DMA and 11β-MNT, healthy men received drug, or placebo for 28days. Insulin and adiponectin assays were performed on stored samples. Mixed model analyses were performed to compare the effects of the two drugs. Student's t test, or the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test as appropriate, was used to evaluate for an effect of active drug versus placebo. Class effects were seen, with decrease in HDL-C and SHBG, and increase in weight and hematocrit, with no statistically significant differences between the two compounds. No changes in fasting glucose, fasting insulin, or HOMA-IR were seen with either compound. There was a slight decrease in adiponectin with DMAU that was not seen with 11β-MNTDC. An increase in LDL-C was seen with 11β-MNTDC but not with DMAU. There were no significant changes in insulin resistance after 28days of oral administration of these novel androgens despite a mild increase in weight. There may be subtle differences in their metabolic impacts that should be explored in future studies. Changes in metabolic parameters should be carefully monitored when investigating androgenic compounds.

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