
Direct plating, selective enrichment, and cold enrichment followed by secondary selective enrichment procedures were compared for detecting and enumerating Listeria monocytogenes in chopped cabbage stored at 5 degrees C for up to 64 days. Addition of Fe3+ to solid media enhanced detection of the organism. Cold enrichment (5 degrees C) in nutrient broth and brain heart infusion broth followed by secondary enrichment (48 h, 30 degrees C) in Trypticase soy-yeast extract-antibiotic broth and thiocyanate-nalidixic acid broth and plating on selective agar media (Doyle and Schoeni selective enrichment agar [minus acriflavin hydrochloride, supplemented with 5 micrograms of Fe3+/ml] and McBride Listeria agar) resulted in the detection of highest populations.

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