
The purposes of this in vitro study were to compare the marginal adaptation,internal fitness and the microleakage of three CAD-CAM all ceramic crownsmaterials: Zolid, Zircon, and Empress 2. This study also evaluated the correlation ofmicroleakage of these ceramic crowns materials to the marginal fitness.Forty-five maxillary first premolar teeth were prepared with 2-mm occlusalreduction and 1-mm all around shoulder finish line, teeth were randomly divided intothree main groups according to the type of ceramic material that was used (n=15).Group 1: received a CAD-CAM Ceramill Zolid® unilayered transparent zircon Group2: received a CAD-CAM Ceramill ZI units (Zirconium oxide) Group 3: received aCAD-CAM Ceramill wax units that would subsequently invested and heat pressed tofabricate a hot-press ceramic crowns.The results showed statistical significant difference in marginal fitness, internalfitness and microleakage between Zolid group and other groups (P>0.0001). Therewas highly significant correlation of the marginal and internal fitness, whilst there wasno significant correlation marginal fitness and microleakage.,

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