
Because different groups of people with low back pain (LBP) engage in different tasks, their lumbopelvic-hip complex may move in different ways in those groups. The purpose of this study was to quantify the differences in lumbopelvic movement pattern during the passive hip external rotation (PHER) test in LBP patients with and without rotational demand activities (RDA). A total of 30 subjects with LBP, including 15 patients with-RDA and 15 patients without-RDA were enrolled. A passive hip external rotation test was performed. Pelvic and hip rotation over the full range of the test, timing of hip and pelvic motion, and pelvic rotation in the first half of the movement were measured using a 3-D motion analysis system. Passive pelvic rotation during the test in the group with RDA was significantly greater than in the other group. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in other kinematic variables, including hip external rotation, timing of hip and pelvic motion and pelvic rotation in the first half of the movement (p > 0.05). 1. A greater lumbopelvic rotation ROM during the PHER existed in LBP patients who regularly participated in RDA. 2. Different groups of patients with LBP who engage in different specific activities may have a specific lumbopelvic movement pattern impairment. Therefore, each group of LBP patients in regard to their specific activities may need a different, specific plan of treatment.

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