
Twitter is now a very open and extensive social media; anyone can freely express their opinion on any topic on social media. The content or discussion on Twitter is also quite diverse and unlimited. However, because it is unlimited, many misuse it for negative things. One of them is verbal sexual harassment through Twitter. This research aims to identify sexual harassment in an Indonesian tweet using sentiment analysis using the LSTM, SVM, and naive bayes methods with text normalization. In this study, 2990 tweets in the Indonesian language were tested from 4th to 6th in May 2022. The Twitter data shows that tweets included in sexual harassment are more than those not included in sexual harassment, totaling 2026 data. From the results of the evaluation of tweet data classification using text normalization with LSTM, the accuracy is 84.62%, SVM is 86.54%, and naive bayes is 85.45%. Using the SVM algorithm with text normalization gets the highest accuracy compared to LSTM and naive bayes in classifying Indonesian sexual harassment tweets.

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