
Nonclassical properties of photon added and subtracted squeezed coherent states have been compared with specific focus on the higher-order nonclassicalities, such as higher-order squeezing, higher-order sub-Poissonian photon statistics, higher-order antibunching. It is observed that both photon added and subtracted squeezed coherent states are highly nonclassical as they satisfy criteria for all of the above mentioned nonclassicalities and a set of other criteria including negativity of Wigner function, Klyshko's criterion and Agarwal's (A3) parameter. Further, the amount of nonclassicality present in these two types of states has been compared quantitatively using a measure of nonclassicality known as nonclassical volume. Variation in the amount of nonclassicality with the number of photon(s) added/subtracted is also investigated, and it is found that the addition of photons makes the squeezed coherent state more nonclassical than what is done by the subtraction of photons.

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