
Plant-based meat alternatives of high quality and digestibility could be a way to reduce meat consumption and, consequently, the environmental impact. However, little is known about their nutritional characteristics and digestion behaviour. Therefore, in the present study, the protein quality of beef burgers, known as excellent source of protein, was compared with the protein quality of two highly transformed veggie burgers, based on soy or pea-faba proteins, respectively. The different burgers were digested according to the INFOGEST in vitro digestion protocol. After digestion, total protein digestibility was determined, either based on total nitrogen (Kjeldahl) analysis, or after acid hydrolysis based on total amino groups (o-phthalaldehyde method) or total amino acids (TAA; by HPLC). The digestibility of individual amino acids was also determined, and the digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) was calculated based on in vitro digestibility. The impact of texturising and grilling on in vitro protein digestibility and the digestible indispensable amino acid ratio (DIAAR) was evaluated at the level of the ingredients and the finished products. As expected, the grilled beef burger had the highest in vitro DIAAS values (Leu 124 %), and grilled soy protein-based burger reached in vitro DIAAS values that could be rated as good (soy burger, SAA 94 %) protein source, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. The texturing process did not significantly affect the total protein digestibility of the ingredients. However, grilling led to a decrease in digestibility and DIAAR of the pea-faba burger (P < 0.05), which was not observed in the soy burger, but led to an increase in DIAAR in the beef burger (P < 0.005).

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