
Abstract This study compared improved “low-fertility” grass species and ryegrass with wild populations for performance under varying levels of nitrogen (N) and moisture. The species studied were: Lolium perenne L.; Agrostis capillaris L.; Cynosurus cristatus L.; Festuca rubra L.; Dactylis glomerata L.; Anthoxanthum odoratum L.; Bromus mollis L.; and Holcus lanatus L. Wild-type seed was collected randomly from moderate hill country; bred genotypes were either selection lines, cultivars, or random collections. The plants were grown in simulated hill soil profiles. Each species was represented by 24 seedlings planted in a 6 × 4 block. N was applied in solution at three concentrations (0, 7, and 21 kg N/ha per fortnight). Three harvests were taken. A rain shelter was placed over the plants from December until February 1991 and recovery yield noted. Throughout the N experiment, yields of wild and bred genotypes of the same species were generally similar. The response to N differed. During Harvest 2, ryegrass s...

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