
Stunting has been widely known as the highest case of malnutrition suffered by toddlers in the world and has a bad impact on children's future. In 2018, Indonesia was ranked the 31st highest stunting in the world and ranked 4th in Southeast Asia. About 30.8% (roughly 3 out of 10) of children under 5 years suffer from stunting in Indonesia. To support the government policy making in handling stunting, it is undoubtedly necessary to classify the levels of stunting handling in regions in Indonesia. In this work, the hierarchical agglomerative and non-hierarchical clustering is compared and evaluated to perform clustering on stunting data. The agglomerative hierarchical cluster uses Single Linkage, Average Linkage, Complete Linkage, and Ward Method, while the non-hierarchical cluster uses K-Means, K-Medoids (PAM) Clustering, and Fuzzy C-Means. This study uses data from 12 IKPS indicators in 34 provinces in Indonesia in 2018. Based on the results of the evaluation using the Connectivity Coefficient, Dunn Index, Silhouette Coefficient, Davies Bouldin Index, Xie & Beni Index, and Calinski-Harabasz Index, the results show that the Average Linkage is the best cluster method with the optimal number of clusters is four clusters. The first cluster is a cluster with a good level of stunting management which consists of 28 provinces. The second cluster consists of only one province, DI Yogyakarta with a very good level of stunting handling. The third cluster consists of four provinces with poor stunting handling rates. Finally, the last cluster consisting of one province, Papua, has a very poor level of stunting handling.

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