
The Himalayan marmot (Marmota himalayana) plays a reservoir role in the epidemiology of brucellosis. However, the changes in blood biochemical parameters are still unclear in Brucella-seropositive marmots. The present study was designed to explore the hematologic and biochemical variable changes in Brucella-seropositive marmots. Blood samples were collected from the dorsalis pedis vein of Himalayan marmots (24 Brucella-seropositive marmots and 24 Brucella-free marmots). Ten hematologic and 10 serum biochemical variable examinations were performed and analyzed. Our results showed that leukocyte, platelet, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts significantly increased, while the level of carbon dioxide combining power decreased in Brucella-infected marmots. These findings indicate that Brucella triggers an immune response in Himalayan marmots. This study provides a preliminary investigation of the changes in blood biochemical analytes in Brucella-infected marmots. The interaction between Brucella infection and blood biochemical indices in Himalayan marmots should be further explored.

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