
In this study, 46 elements plus total carbonate and total organic carbon contents were measured in 48 sea bottom sediments to determine the pollution levels in the study area and their source to understand better the natural and anthropogenic processes in the study area. Also current flows and sediment transport pathways inferred using multidisciplinary methods by interrelation between grain size trend analysis, shallow seismic and acoustic doppler current profiler analysis to unravel the hydro-sedimentary processes in a micro-tidal environment. Four main factors that were affecting the study area were identified as lithogenic factor (50.6%) anthropogenic factor caused by untreated domestic waste (13.2%), anthropogenic factor caused by marine traffic/port activities (9.3%) and anthropogenic factor caused by small-scale industrial activities (with 6.9% of the total variance). The main source of metals in the study area were determined as untreated domestic waste discharges (total organic carbon and sulfur), maritime traffic/harbor activities (copper and zinc), and discharges of other wastes caused by urbanization. The main metal element that poses the most significant risk for benthic organisms was determined as nickel in the study area. All environmental indices showed non to moderate pollution existing in Gülbahçe Bay. It has been observed that most prominent feature of the distribution of elemental concentrations and assessment of pollution indices were that the pollutants carried inwards to Gülbahçe Bay from Izmir Central Bay with inflows, following the sediment transport directions.

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