
1. 1. Mature, male chickens, Bobwhite quail, and rats differed with respect to glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity in the kidney, duodenum and testis, but species differences were not observed in the liver. 2. 2. GST activity was present in the heart, spleen, liver, duodenum, kidney, testis, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, optic tecta, and medulla oblongata of chickens with differences in tissues and breeds. 3. 3. Renal GST activity was higher in female chickens, whereas enzyme activity in the brain was higher in males. 4. 4. Hepatic GST activity fluctuated about a mean of 784 nmol min −1 with a 12 hr periodicity which was not a feeding phenomenon. 5. 5. The results demonstrate that GST activity occurs in diverse tissues of the chicken and Bobwhite quail with Kidney > liver > duodenum > testis, compared to testis > liver > duodenum > kidney in the rat. Hepatic GST activity exhibits an ultradian periodicity.

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