
The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a worldwide survey of students in grades 13 through 15 that is conducted in schools and is nationally representative. The worldwide youth tobacco survey is a component of the global tobacco surveillance system.This paper evaluates the gender disparities in tobacco use across the populations of Tamil Nadu and India using data from the GYTS 2019 survey.The 2019 GYTS objectives were determining the level of tobacco usage, indicated age, exposure to secondhand smoke, and tobacco advertising. A total of 34 schools from Tamil Nadu were chosen for the survey among the 987 schools in India.The questionnaire included details about tobacco use prevalence, quitting, secondhand smoke, the media's influence on tobacco use, the availability of tobacco to young people, and knowledge and attitudes about smoking in paper products among girls and boys between the ages of 13 and 15. Prevalence of ever tobacco users and current tobacco users (both smoking and smokeless form) in Tamil Nadu is lower than Indian average.This Youth Tobacco Survey data is used by health and education professionals to improve national and state programs aimed at preventing and reducing youth tobacco use

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