
The article presents the results of geochemical and geophysical studies of the Belovsky Zinc Plant reclaimed dumps (Kemerovo Region), which is located in the residential zone of the Belovo city. The relationship between the degree of neutralization of waste and electrical resistivity is established and described. For the first time at this facility, measurements were made by the induced polarization method. When analyzing the polarizability distribution (C, mV/V), it was found that not so much wet and warm zones with a high level of acidity are distinguished on the profiles of electrotomography as they are saturated with minerals with high electrical conductivity. This means that low resistivity values are associated with electronically conductive minerals with metallic conductivity. Thus, the assumption was made that the anomalies are associated with the introduction of coke into the dump, that is, an increased carbon content, which affects not only the resistivity profiles, but also the IP profiles.

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