
The paper describes two experimental campaigns of seakeeping measurements for two research vessels in the Adriatic Sea and comparison of the experimental results with the seakeeping calculations. The waves and vessel motions are simultaneously measured at seas. Sea surface elevation of wind waves is measured using a wave buoy, freely floating near the vessel. Measurements of vessel motions are performed using motion sensors mounted on the bridge deck. Measurements are performed for different heading angles between the prevailing wave direction and the vessel. Time signals of the measured waves and resulting heave and pitch motions are treated statistically and subjected to spectral analysis. Wave-induced vessel responses are also calculated by the spectral analysis, employing the 3D panel method for transfer functions. Measured wave spectra are approximated by the standard JONSWAP spectra for that purpose. Statistical properties of the measured and calculated wave-induced motions are then compared. The results of the seakeeping calculations are in fair agreement with the measurements, except for mean zero-crossing period of the responses in following seas, where considerable discrepancies are found.

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