
We present vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance measurements of epitaxial Fe films having a thickness of 16 monolayers. Our objective is to test the reliability of this novel frequency domain technique with respect to frequency and damping. For this purpose we compare vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance to pulsed inductive microwave magnetometry, time resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect (both methods in the time domain), and conventional ferromagnetic resonance (measured in the field domain) in terms of position and width of the ferromagnetic resonance. In addition, we compare the various techniques with respect to the signal to noise ratio of the raw data. All data is obtained using the same well characterized ultrathin magnetic Fe/GaAs (0 0 1) film. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of the vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance technique for the investigation of nano-structured magnetic elements having nonuniform magnetization configuration. The absorption spectrum of Permalloy disks with a diameter of 200 nm and a thickness of 15 nm shows up to eight distinct resonance peaks. The spatial structure of the corresponding modes was derived from numerical calculations and reveals that azimuthal modes up to the fifth order have been observed inductively.

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