
Four different error-forecast updating models are investigated in terms of their capability of providing real-time river flow forecast accuracy superior to that of rainfall-runoff models applied in the simulation (nonupdating) mode. The first and most widely used is the single autoregressive (AR) model, the second being an elaboration of that model, namely the autoregressive-threshold (AR-TS) updating model. A fuzzy autoregressive-threshold (FU-AR-TS) updating model is proposed as the third form of model, the fourth and final error-forecast updating model applied being the artificial neural network (ANN) model. In the application of these four updating models, the lumped soil moisture accounting and routing (SMAR) conceptual model has been selected to simulate the observed discharge series on 11 selected test catchments. As expected, it is found that all of these four updating models are very successful in improving the flow forecast accuracy, when operating in real-time forecasting mode. A less expected, but nonetheless welcome, result is that the three updating models having the most parameters, i.e. AR-TS, FU-AR-TS, and ANN, do not show any considerable advantages in improving the real-time flow forecast efficiency over that of the simple standard AR model. Thus it is recommended that, in the context of real-time river flow forecasting based on error-forecast updating, modellers should continue to use the AR model.

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