
Procedures used to compare the results from item response: theory as well.as.mOretraditional equating methods were described'and critically.analyzed. The implications of the. comparison of equipercentile, linear.,' one-parameter (Basch) , andthree-parameter .methods for equating twelve fOrms Of.each of.the five tests. of General Educational:Development (GED)' were discussed. The use of factor analyses to assess test dimensionality, examination of equating curves, examination of item parameter. estimates for' extremes, comparison of equating sample means and variances, and Cross-validation analyses were recommended for use by,testing programs: contemplating a switch from traditional to iteuLrespOnse theory equating. -The three-paraieter equating method produced unacceptable equating results--possible becaute only 200 examinees per equating form were used.. The one7parameter' (Rasch, method produced results which were as stable as those for the traditional methods. (Author): . *********************************************************************** * Reproductions tuppliedy EDRS are the bett that can be made *. froi the original document. ********************************************************************** DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NA AL, INSTITUYE OF EDUCATION ED#ATI NAL RESOURtES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) tir This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. CJ Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. ie Points of view or opinions stated in\this docur;leht do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. COMPARISON OF FOUR PROCEDURES FOR EQUATING THE. TESTS OF GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTr Michael J, Kolen Hofstra University PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Douglas R. Whitney TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC). American Council .on Education-Paper presented at thennual Meeting of. the American EdUcational Research Association in Los Angeles,-CalifOrnia,.April 1901, ... . . _ 4, :COMPARISON OF FOUR. PROCEDURES FOR EQUATING THE TESTS OF GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT

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