
Catches of Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta, & White (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Multi-lure traps baited with six commercial food-based attractants, Mazoferm E802, Torula yeast, GF-120, Hymlure, Biolure, and Nulure were compared in mango orchards in Kenya. In 2007, Mazoferm E802 and Torula yeast were the most effective attractants and captured 2.4-2.6 times more females and 3.4-4.0 times more males than the standard Nulure. All attractants captured more females than males (ranging from 63 to 74%). In 2008, Mazoferm E802 was the most effective bait capturing 5.6 and 9.1 times more females and males, respectively, than the standard Nulure. Among all the attractants, in both years, Nulure captured the greatest proportion of females: 74% compared with 51-68% for the other attractants. In 2008, the use of Mazoferm E802 in combination with spinosad as a bait spray in mango orchards reduced B. invadens catches relative to the control by 87% within 4 wk and 90% within 8 wk. At harvest, the proportion of fruit infested was significantly lower in the treated orchards (8%) compared with the control orchards (59%). Estimated mango yield was significantly higher in orchards receiving the bait sprays (12,487 kg/ha) compared with control orchards (3,606 kg/ha). Based on bait spray costs, yield data, and monetary gains, a cost-benefit ratio of 1:9.1 was realized, which is acceptable for growers. In 2009, the experiment was repeated with similar results. We have demonstrated that Mazoferm E802, used alone for monitoring of B. invadens or in conjunction with spinosad for population suppression, shows great promise in Kenya.

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