
The properties of acetylcholine-activated excitatory currents on the gm1 muscle of three marine decapod crustaceans, the spiny lobsters Panulirus argus and interruptus, and the crab Cancer borealis, were examined using either noise analysis, analysis of synaptic current decays, or analysis of the voltage dependence of ionophoretically activated cholinergic conductance increases. The apparent mean channel open time (tau n) obtained from noise analysis at -80 mV and 12 degrees C was approximately 13 ms; tau n was prolonged e-fold for about every 100-mV hyperpolarization in membrane potential; tau n was prolonged e-fold for every 10 degrees C decrease in temperature. Gamma, the single-channel conductance, at 12 degrees C was approximately 18 pS and was not affected by voltage; gamma was increased approximately 2.5-fold for every 10 degrees C increase in temperature. Synaptic currents decayed with a single exponential time course, and at -80 mV and 12 degrees C, the time constant of decay of synaptic currents, tau ejc, was approximately 14-15 ms and was prolonged e-fold about every 140-mV hyperpolarization; tau ejc was prolonged about e-fold for every 10 degrees C decrease in temperature. The voltage dependence of the amplitude of steady-state cholinergic currents suggests that the total conductance increase produced by cholinergic agonists is increased with hyperpolarization. Compared with glutamate channels found on similar decapod muscles (see the following article), the acetylcholine channels stay open longer, conduct ions more slowly, and are more sensitive to changes in the membrane potential.

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