
Background: Degeneration can occur as a result of moisture loss and decreased flexibility in the neck’s spinal discsover time. Cervical spondylosis can also be brought in addition to recurrent neck motions, prior neck injuries, badposture, and genetic factors and by poor posture.Purpose: The study objective was comparison of the efficiency of interferential therapy and transcutaneouselectrical nerve stimulation in construction workers having cervical spondylosis using the short form of the MCGill pain questionnaire.Methodology: 50 subjects participated in the study from Mars India Builds and selected based on the inclusion andexclusion criteria. Subjects assigned into interferential therapy group (n=25) and transcutaneous electrical nervestimulation group (n=25). Along with this, static neck exercises were given to both groups. The treatment periodwas given for 40 mins and 6 days per week and continued for 2 weeks. The entire study process is conducted fromNovember 2022 to April 2023.Result: From the finding of this study interferential therapy group post-test mean was 8.88 and whereas thetranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation group was 11.72. This strongly suggests that interferential therapyin construction workers having cervical spondylosis along with static neck exercises is more effective thantranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.Conclusion: In this study interferential therapy with static neck exercises among construction workers was foundto be more effective than transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

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