
The paper presents the review of dynamic methods of road pavement evenness evaluation used in the Slovak Republic. The principles of assessment by parameters C and IRI (International Roughness Index) are detailed here. The measuring set called the Single-Wheel Vehicle of the University of Žilina (JP VŠDS), which appreciates parameter C has been designed on the DMS (double-mass measuring set) dynamic principle. The design of this system pavement assessment in term of longitudinal unevenness was realised for a consideration stationary random process. The conclusion of our paper is devoted to the comparison of longitudinal unevenness evaluated by our equipment, measuring vehicle "Profilograph" (IRI) and original parameter IRI.


  • Meracie zariadenie JP VŠDS, ktoré hodnotí parameter C, bolo skonštruované na dynamickom princípe DMS

  • The measuring set called the Single-Wheel Vehicle of the University of Žilina (JP VŠDS), which appreciates parameter C has been designed on the DMS dynamic principle

  • Analýzu nerovností cestných vozoviek možno považovať za substanciálnu úlohu v oblasti inžinierskeho diagnostikovania cestnej siete, a preto kvantifikácia pozdĺžnych nerovností cestných vozoviek tvorí fundament úspešnej implementácie systémov hospodárenia s vozovkami

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Analytical description of pavement longitudinal unevenness

Analytické vyjadrenie priestorovej nerovnosti cestnej vozovky je problém značne zložitý. Korelačnú funkciu Kh(␭) môžeme v lineárnej doméne pre tento typ procesov vyjadriť vo forme amplitude These processes can be considered random from the point of view of mathematical statistics. Pri riešení dynamických úloh spojených s pohybom vozidla po nerovnostiach vozovky je výhodnejšie používať výkonovú spektrálnu hustotu Sh(⍀), ktorá je s KF viazaná VienerChinčinovým vzťahom: For our purpose of unevenness assessment, it is more appropriate to use power spectral density Sh(⍀), which we can express from correlation function by means of the Viener-Chinčin equation: 23 KOMUNIKÁCIE / COMMUNICATIONS 2 / 9 9 G. kde: ⍀ - držková kruhová frekvencia [rad.m-1], where: ⍀ - length circular frequency [rad.m-1], 2и␲. The design of a system pavement assessment from the point of view of longitudinal unevenness was realised for a consideration stationary random process and principle

Assessment of unevenness measurements by parameter C
International Roughness Index - IRI
Porovnávacie merania zariadení Profilograph a JP VŠDS
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