
The method of water quality index is widely used in evaluation of the surface water quality because of its capability to summarize a number of water quality parameters into one numeric value, along with defined scale of water quality range. The current investigation includes application of modified model for calculating water quality index values, generated using experimental data and literary models. Software was created using modular design. Fourteen physical, chemical and biological parameters representing water quality state along with the assigned weights were elected. Comparison between models generated based on Serbian and American models of water quality index was done. Selected parameters differ mutually in number of parameters used in calculation of index, as well as in values of the weighting factors. In order to enable an efficient water quality analysis and to reconcile the requirements of both Serbian and American model, two software solutions were generated and processed on the example of the water quality of the Danube River in Serbia. Danube water quality was assessed at seventeen measuring locations along the river flow. Index values obtained from the two generated software applications were compared with the results of the official Serbian online calculator. Water quality determined using new generated models shows stricter approach and one class lower water quality compared to the existing Serbian model. Therefore, modular and open-generated simulation software is of great significance for the comparison and testing of different water quality models, not just those two shown in this study.

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