
Though the global trend is to manage land through formal systems, still there is debate among scholars on importance of customary tenure systems and its treatment in modern land formalization. The study done in the study area also indicates the contradicting debate on both tenure systems, whether customary land tenure activities should recognized as it is or selectively in modern land formalization. However, their argument was not after studying and comparing both tenure systems simultaneously, making major problem needed to be identified in this study. Therefore, the study in this thesis aimed to assess and compare customary and formal tenure systems. Both descriptive and explanatory case study type of research was used in this study. Similarly, both qualitative and quantities data were collected from primary and secondary data sources. The primary data were collected by using different data collection tools like interview question, In-depth-key informant interview, focal group discussion and field observation. The survey data obtained from 360 house hold heads were analyzed by using SPSS (IBM-21) in which descriptive cross-tabulation model was mainly used. To compare means of continues variables, one –way ANOVA and descriptive system were also used. The study findings from House hold survey indicate significant variation between formal and customary tenure systems at (P 0.05);land related explanatory variables like land accessibility, defining right, ensuring tenure security, legalization of land transfer and conflict reduction and resolution; and Local farmers ‘perception on importance of modern land formalization -that was positive in formalized tenure and negative in customary tenure. These findings were triangulated with data collected with other tools. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends recognition of non formal customary tenure selectively in modern land formalization policies, rules, regulations and laws. For place where formalization coverage takes longer time to achieve, customary systems should have legally accepted bylaws and effective institution.

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