
 The COVID-19 pandemic has continued despite large-scale public health measures. Some people are still hesitant to receive the COVID vaccine. The San Antonio Food Bank (SAFB) is an organization that wants to gather opinions of clientele regarding vaccinations. A prior study at the SAFB captured reasons for influenza vaccine hesitancy. 
 Identify reasons for COVID vaccine hesitancy.
 Compare reasons for COVID vaccine hesitancy from this study to reasons for influenza vaccine hesitancy from a prior study.
 Student pharmacists partnered with SAFB leaders to create and administer English and Spanish surveys regarding client demographics, COVID vaccination status, and COVID vaccine hesitancy in those who had not yet received the COVID vaccine. Investigators completed paper surveys with clients during verbal interviews. Information from this COVID vaccine hesitancy study was compared to previous information from a 2019-2020 influenza vaccine hesitancy study also conducted at the SAFB. 
 COVID vaccination rates in this study were higher than influenza vaccination rates observed in a prior study at the SAFB. When comparing the reasons for hesitancy, several differences were identified regarding what clients said about the COVID and influenza vaccines: too expensive, not knowing where to get it, and afraid of getting sick.
 This study indicates that reasons for vaccine hesitancy differ between COVID and influenza vaccines, suggesting a need to provide accurate information about each vaccine. Healthcare providers can make an impact by educating the community regarding COVID vaccine misconceptions and helping them navigate where and how to receive influenza vaccines.

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