
Targeted and conventional (perimeter spray) insecticide application strategies were compared in 3 geographically distinct urban areas of Alabama. Cockroach abundance in sticky traps did not correspond to the known north-south climate gradient in Alabama. Greatest mean catch was in Mobile, and least in Auburn. Despite varying environmental and ecological conditions across Alabama, similar reductions and recovery rates of smokybrown cockroach abundance were observed in all 3 urban areas for 3 different treatments (perimeter spray, targeted spray, and 2-bait combination). A 2-bait combination was more effective in reducing smokybrown cockroach catch than a conventional perimeter spray, whereas a 3-liter targeted spray performed as well as perimeter sprays. Less insecticide was applied using targeted applications than perimeter sprays. Targeted applications of either baits or sprays did not require significantly more time to apply than a perimeter spray.

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