
This paper investigates the conditions of use and the equivalence of various constitutive laws used to model the electromagnetic behavior of high-temperature superconductors: two versions of the critical state model (CSM), the power law model, and a so-called percolation model. All these models can be used to represent the same superconducting material with some limit of accuracy. The CSM and the power law model are well known in the literature. The percolation model can be seen as a generalization of the power law model that includes also a CSM-like behavior at very low electric fields. The investigation has been carried out for three types of operating conditions: the sudden application of a dc excitation, a pure ac excitation, and combined dc and ac excitations. The equivalence between the different constitutive laws is shown to be a function of the magnitude of the electric fields and of the time scales involved. In the dc case, long time scales and very small electric fields are predominant; thus, the superconductor requires a model that is accurate at low electric fields, such as the percolation model. The losses then arise from the relaxation of the magnetic field in the sample. In the ac case, the power law and percolation models are nearly identical when considering power frequencies, so choosing the simpler power law model is fully acceptable in practice. In addition, the CSM coincidentally provides good predictions of the losses in the power frequency range. In the dc+ac case, when time scales in the range of minutes to hours are considered, it is shown that ac losses dominate over relaxation losses, and the same conclusions as for the ac case apply.

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