
The purpose of this study was to identify superior sectors in North Kolaka Regency. The study used competitive model advantage tools (LQ, DLQ, MRP, Tress Index, Shift Share, multiplier effects and compounding factors). Comparative results Sector of the economic potential in North Kolaka Regency that was; agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and construction sector are the base sectors that have a multiplier effect> 1. According to DLQ analysis, some sectors were experiencing rapid development namely the real estate sector, company services, government administration, defense and compulsory social security and health services and social activities. As Carvalho Classification Analysis like agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors were classified as very high. Meanwhile, the mining and quarrying sector, water supply, waste management, and re-leaf; construction, wholesale and retail trade, Car and Motorcycle Repair, and other services were in the medium classification. According to MRP analysis, information and communication sector were in Classification 1. Tress index analysis during this period experienced an increasing trend.

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