
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of CPP-ACP paste and high-fluoride toothpaste (1400ppm) on the demineralized enamel surfaces that appear to develop white-spot lesions in patients seeking fixed orthodontic treatment. Methodology: This randomized control trial was conducted at the OPD of Orthodontic Department, Institute of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro from January 2020 - July 2020. After evaluating scores of lesions, participants are provided with their respective preventive measures according to their division in the randomized control trial. Group one is provided with high fluoridated toothpaste at 1400 ppm that is commercially available in markets under the name Colgate Total twice daily for a period of 56 days. The other group is asked to visit OPD for the application of a paste of CPP-ACP once a week for a period of 56 days. Both groups are supposed to make three follow-ups at days 15, 34, and 56. Results: This study consists of 126 participants. Out of 126 participants, 48.0% were males and 57.94% were female. The mean age of the cases was 17.8 years. Out of total, 48% were males and 57.94% were females, with a mean age of 15.99±2.183. A comparison of high fluoridated toothpaste and CPP-ACP paste after three consecutive follow-ups shows that both of them are effective in reducing white spot lesions, but high-fluoridated toothpaste is observed to be more effective during this trial. Conclusion: High-fluoridated toothpaste and CPP-ACP paste, observed to be effective after three consecutive follow-ups in reducing white spot lesions, while high-fluoridated toothpaste was observed to be more effective during the trial.

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