
The advanced thermal-hydraulic test loop for accident simulation (ATLAS) was developed and operated at The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The ATLAS is operated to simulate accidents in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). A domestic standard problem (DSP) using the ATLAS was proposed for transferring the database of the integral effect test to Korean nuclear researchers and developing the safety analysis methodology of PWRs. The fourth DSP (DSP-04) exercise was performed during 2015–2017 with 15 participants (13 organizations), that are universities, government, and nuclear industries. In DSP-04, a top-slot break at the cold leg was chosen as the target scenario to resolve an issue about the effect of loop seal clearing and the reformation on the peak cladding temperature during the cold leg top-slot break LOCA for APR1400. The participants performed a code calculation for the experimental simulation and sensitivity studies for the enhancement of the code. This paper includes brief information about the experimental and major code assessment results.

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