
Three Acipenseridae species live in the rivers and marine waters of the Khabarovsk Territory, Russia: Sakhalin sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi, Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii, and kaluga, Huso dauricus. We review the general biology and life history of each species, including their historic and current distributions, and examine current paleogeographic theories to outline the possible origin and evolution of these three species in the Amur River, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan biogeographic province. Apparently, these species have evolved during distinct geologic time periods, which has reinforced the reproductive isolation of these species although hybridization does occur. They have convergently adapted to the unique environmental conditions of the Amur River and Russian Maritime regions, and yet developed behavioral adaptations to reduce competition between species. Sakhalin sturgeon is the least studied species among anadromous sturgeon in the world. This species is highly migratory and spends the majority of its life in the ocean only returning to natal rivers to spawn. Amur sturgeon and kaluga are distributed throughout the Amur River basin and the estuary and share many life history traits. They are both represented by distinct morphs. Additionally, we present size and weight relationships to estimate the growth of Amur sturgeon and kaluga. All three species have suffered declines in abundance due to over fishing and their contemporary distributions have contracted compared to their historic ranges. We identify gaps in knowledge and suggest further research useful for guiding management of each species.

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