
Venoms of two American hornets, Vespula maculata (bald-faced hornet) and Vespula arenaria (yellow hornet), and two Old World hornets, Vespa crabro and Vespa orientalis, were investigated for biochemical and immunologic properties. They were similar with regard to enzymatic activities (phospholipase A, phospholipase B, and hyaluronidase) and molecular composition. Analysis of radioallergosorbent test (RAST) results obtained from 30 vespid-sensitive patients suggests extensive cross-reactivity between the venoms of V. arenaria, V. maculata, and V. crabro, but the venom of V. orientalis seems to lack at least one important allergen. Rabbit antisera to each of the four venoms contain precipitating antibodies to all four venoms. Strong cross-reactivity was found between the venoms of V. maculata, V. arenaria, and V. crabro and between V. crabro and V. orientalis. V. orientalis venom cross-reacts weakly with the venoms of both V. maculata and V. arenaria. It is concluded therefore that diagnosis and immunotherapy with commercially available venoms of V. maculata and V. arenaria should be adequate for most patients sensitive to V. maculata, V. arenaria, or V. crabro but probably not for a significant proportion of those individuals primarily sensitive to V. orientalis.

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