
Background: Baska mask has been chosen to secure airway for surgeries under general anesthesia in view of its adaptability during positive pressure ventilation as it moulds accordingly. Aims: Our aim was to compare BASKA mask with Endotracheal tube primarily for hemodynamic changes, and also ease of insertion in terms of number of attempts and time taken for insertion, airway trauma, intraoperative and postoperative laryngopharyngeal morbidity (LPM) occurring in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomies under general Anesthesia. Methods: A hospital based prospective, randomised comparative clinical study involving60 ASA I and II patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries under general Anesthesia were randomly divided into 2 groups of 30 each (n=30), either using BASKA mask or ETT. Hemodynamic changes in both the groups were compared, along with number of attempts and time for insertion and laryngopharyngeal morbidities. Results: Hemodynamic fluctuations are less in patients who received Baska mask for their airway management than with endotracheal tube insertion. The number of attempts of insertion and time duration of insertion of Baska Mask (Mean ±SD=13.50±5.49) for airway management were less and with negligible postoperative laryngopharyngeal comorbidities when compared with endotracheal intubation in adult patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anaesthesia with positive pressure ventilation. Conclusion: Baska Mask with its unique anatomy and features is a good alternative to endotracheal tube for airway management in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomies under general anaesthesia with positive pressure ventilation in terms of negligible hemodynamic changes, less number of attempts and reduced mean time duration of insertion, and less laryngopharyngeal morbidities.

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