
Objective To compare the positive rate of anti-mutant citrulline vimentin (MCV) antibody and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibody in serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). To investigate the diagnostic value and significance of anti-MCV and anti-CCP antibody in these two diseases. Methods Anti-CCP and anti-MCV antibodies were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The serum samples were from 113 patients with JIA, 632 patients with RA, 102 adult without RA and 56 children without RA. Chi-square test and multiple comparisons were used for statistical analysis. Results ① In RA patients, the sensitivity, specificity and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) of anti-MCV antibody was 90.2%, 91.2%, 0.919; the sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve of anti-CCP antibody was 92.6%, 93.1% and 0.934. In JIA, the specificity of antibodies was 98.2%, the sensitivity was low. Area under the ROC curve of anti-MCV antibody was 0.579. Area under the ROC curve of anti-CCP antibody was 0.561. ② The positive rate of anti-MCV antibody in RA was 90.2%, which was higher than that of JIA (16.8%) (P<0.01). The positive rate of anti-CCP antibody in RA was 92.2%, which was higher than that of JIA (14.2%) (P<0.01). The positive rates of anti-MCV antibody in JIA with RF-negative polyarthrosis, RF-positive polyarthrosis, systemic type, oligo-joint type, attachment points, unclassified was 11.8%, 69.2%, 14.3%, 17.4%, 3.6%, 0. The positive rate of anti-CCP was 11.8%, 61.5%, 14.3%, 13.0%, 0 and 0 prespectively. For anti-MCV antibody, the chi-square values in patients with RA between RF-negative polyarthrosis, RF-positive olyarthrosis, systemic type, oligo-joint type, attachment points, unclassified arthritis were 160.2, 4.02, 34.4, 102.0, 165.1 and 57.0 respectively. There were significant differences between RA and all types of JIA (P<0.05). The positive rate of anti-CCP antibody in patients with RA between RF-negative polyarthrosis, RF-positive polyarthrosis, systemic type, iligo-joint type, attachment points, unclassified arthritis were 192.3, 11.9, 44.0, 139.4, 212.5 and 71.9. There were significant differences between RA and all types of JIA (P<0.05). Conclusion The diagnostic value of anti-MCV and anti-CCP antibodies is high in RA. Anti-MCV and anti-CCP antibody have certain diagnostic value of JIA. The positive rates of anti-MCV and anti-CCP antibody in the types in JIA are lower than those of RA patients. Key words: Arthritis, rheumatoid; Arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; Antibodies

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