
Sentiment analysis on the satisfaction level of PDDikti operators is very important to find out how PDDikti operators feel after the version of the academic reporting application for higher education was upgraded, namely Neo Feeeder. The increase in the version of this application causes some of the features in it to not function properly. So some academic reporting activities from tertiary institutions experience problems. As a result of this condition, the most felt impact is students, where students experience delays in graduation. Then it is necessary to evaluate through sentiment analysis from PDDikti operators to find out the response from operators and be able to provide positive suggestions to developers from the PDDikti reporting application. This study applies several classification methods for sentiment analysis at once, including the Random Forest algorithm, the Support Vector Machine algorithm, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes algorithm, the Decision Tree algorithm, and the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. Of the 5 methods applied, the results of their performance accuracy will be compared. The performance of the highest classification algorithm is the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm which produces an accuracy value when testing data, which is up to 90% using the oversampling technique in unbalanced classes. While the lowest classification accuracy performance value is in the Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) algorithm with a value of 76%. It is proven that oversampling can help the performance of the classification algorithm to be more optimal. Thus, it should be noted that the balance of data classes is an important factor when applying the classification method.

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