
Mental health is an integral part of adolescent’s wellbeing. Procrastination of the academic tasks is found to be the cause of stress among the adolescents. Procrastination is an individual act of postponing or suspending the tasks until the last gasp or past the deadlines. Psychotherapies appears to be an effective treatment for academic procrastination among the adolescents. The present review compared the efficacy of ACT and CBT in reducing the academic procrastination among the adolescents. Methods: Thorough search of three databases (Pubmed, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO) from 2010-2021 was conducted using the keywords like CBT, ACT and academic procrastination. Results: Research support findings that psychological interventions both CBT and ACT are promising interventions for decreasing procrastination. ACT had better long-term effects than CBT on improving procrastinating behaviour.

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