
To compare one-year results of accelerated cross-linking (ACXL) treatment for progressive keratoconus in pediatric and adult age groups. The records of patients who had undergone the ACXL procedure (9mV/cm2, 10min) for progressive keratoconus were evaluated retrospectively. The patients were divided into 2 groups, with the pediatric group aged 17years or less and the adult group aged 18years or more, for the statistical analysis. Pre- and 12-month post- ACXL best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), maximum keratometry (Kmax), sim K1, sim K2, corneal thickness at the thinnest point (thCT), and corneal astigmatism (CA) values of the patient groups were recorded. Thirty-two right eyes of 32 patients were included in the pediatric group, and 32 right eyes of 32 patients were included in the adult group. A significant improvement in BCVA and a significant decrease in thCT values were present in both groups 12months after the surgery compared to the preoperative period. The decrease in Kmax, sim K1 and sim K2 values compared to the preoperative period was significant in the adult group. When the two groups were compared after 12months, only the simK1 value was significantly lower in the adult group, and there was no significant difference between the other measurements. There is a slight tendency toward more flattening in the adult group 12months after ACXL treatment, but this is not statistically significant.

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