
Abstract. Ocean models must be regularly updated through the assimilation of observations (data assimilation) in order to correctly represent the timing and locations of eddies. Since initial conditions play an important role in the quality of short-term ocean forecasts, an effective data assimilation scheme to produce accurate state estimates is key to improving prediction. Western boundary current regions, such as the East Australia Current system, are highly variable regions, making them particularly challenging to model and predict. This study assesses the performance of two ocean data assimilation systems in the East Australian Current system over a 2-year period. We compare the time-dependent 4-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation system with the more computationally efficient, time-independent ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) system, across a common modelling and observational framework. Both systems assimilate the same observations: satellite-derived sea surface height, sea surface temperature, vertical profiles of temperature and salinity (from Argo floats), and temperature profiles from expendable bathythermographs. We analyse both systems' performance against independent data that are withheld, allowing a thorough analysis of system performance. The 4D-Var system is 25 times more expensive but outperforms the EnOI system against both assimilated and independent observations at the surface and subsurface. For forecast horizons of 5 d, root-mean-squared forecast errors are 20 %–60 % higher for the EnOI system compared to the 4D-Var system. The 4D-Var system, which assimilates observations over 5 d windows, provides a smoother transition from the end of the forecast to the subsequent analysis field. The EnOI system displays elevated low-frequency (>1 d) surface-intensified variability in temperature and elevated kinetic energy at length scales less than 100 km at the beginning of the forecast windows. The 4D-Var system displays elevated energy in the near-inertial range throughout the water column, with the wavenumber kinetic energy spectra remaining unchanged upon assimilation. Overall, this comparison shows quantitatively that the 4D-Var system results in improved predictability as the analysis provides a smoother and more dynamically balanced fit between the observations and the model's time-evolving flow. This advocates the use of advanced, time-dependent data assimilation methods, particularly for highly variable oceanic regions, and motivates future work into further improving data assimilation schemes.

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