
We define a covariance-type operator on Wiener space: for F and G two random variables in the Gross–Sobolev space D1,2 of random variables with a square-integrable Malliavin derivative, we let ΓF,G≔〈DF,−DL−1G〉, where D is the Malliavin derivative operator and L−1 is the pseudo-inverse of the generator of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup. We use Γ to extend the notion of covariance and canonical metric for vectors and random fields on Wiener space, and prove corresponding non-Gaussian comparison inequalities on Wiener space, which extend the Sudakov–Fernique result on comparison of expected suprema of Gaussian fields, and the Slepian inequality for functionals of Gaussian vectors. These results are proved using a so-called smart-path method on Wiener space, and are illustrated via various examples. We also illustrate the use of the same method by proving a Sherrington–Kirkpatrick universality result for spin systems in correlated and non-stationary non-Gaussian random media.

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