
Bionic robotic hands have huge potential for applications. Traditional rigid robotic hands have the disadvantages of complex control and poor compliance, while soft robotic hands can well overcome these difficult drawbacks. Tendon-driven actuators and soft pneumatic actuators are two main actuating methods in soft robotic hands which are increasingly used due to their good compliance. This article first reviews the basic principles and structures of these two actuating methods in order to develop a basic understanding of different actuating methods. Then through comparing the dexterity and grasp performance of two specific designs, this article analyzes the characteristics of both methods in terms of their structures. Through discussion of structural differences, the systematic impact of the two actuating methods on function is analyzed and a general conclusion about differences in applicability is drawn. This article aims to help researchers have a better understanding of the two main actuating methods for soft robotic hands before they choose a specific actuating method, which can contribute to better completion of expected functions.

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