
The aim of this study was to describe and compare the self-concept, self-perception, physical exercise, and lifestyle of students from 1st to 4th year of the Nursing university studies. Descriptive observational cross-sectional study with analytical components. The study sample consisted of 1st and 4th year undergraduate Nursing students. Five questionnaires were used: a sociodemographic survey, the RSES, the GHQ-12, the PAQ-A and the HBSC. The sample consisted of 197 subjects. 44.2% had a low self-concept and a perception of self-value that improved as they progressed academically, while confidence decreased. The PAQ-A showed that 65.5% performed moderate physical activity and 15.7% were sedentary, 58.9% reported a fair lifestyle and 20.8% of the subjects reported an inadequate diet. In the GHQ-12, the perception of self-value subscale showed an improvement with respect to the academic year. The SOC-13 data showed fair coping with traumatic situations, which worsened in the 4th year, being 88.9% in males and 84.6% in females. The study identified low self-concept, an adequate self-perception, moderate physical activity with a tendency towards sedentary lifestyles, and a fair lifestyle. It is significant that adolescents do not perceive the poor figures they obtain in self-concept, physical exercise, diet, sleep, and violence as reflected in their health. It is known that the changes adopted in adolescence will be perpetuated in adulthood. Therefore, influencing this population group, and even more so, if they are potential future health professionals, is deemed necessary.

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